Taylors' Eye Witness 3-Stage Pull Through Knife Sharpener
Taylor's Eye Witness 3 stage knife sharpener with non slip base.
Sharpening instructions:
For regular maintenance of sharpened knifes, use the diamond-coated "fine honing" slot place the heel of the knife in the slot and drawer the blade through 3 or 4 times, taking care to keep the blade vertical. This slot can also be used for maintaining the edge of ceramic knives.
To resharpen a blunt knife, you will need to recut the edge using the tungsten-steel "re-edging" slot Draw the knife blade through 3 or 4 times with a slight downward pressure (pulling the knife from hell to tip only). Finish off with a few strokes through the white ceramic "honing" slot. This will remove burrs caused by the re-edging stage.
Always clean knives with a soft damp cloth and dry thoroughly after sharpening.
- Three stage knife sharpener, with non-slip base
- Three stage knife sharpener - re-edging stage for blunt steel knives
- Honing stage for honing steel knives and fine honing stage for ceramic knives and steel knives
- Designed for easy to usage with instruction
- Brings blunt knives back to life