Hunt Technology Slip Tip - Slide Ring

Spear Shafts & Heads by Hunt Carbon Technology

Slide Ring replacement or additional part for the Hunt Technology Slip Tip - the best blue-water haunting slip-tip you will find.

Slide Rings (Line-guide) made from AISI 316 stainless steel, burnished, balled-finished and smoothed.

Choice of spear diameter: 7.5mm or 8mm and line hole size of 3mm or 3.5mm. 3mm size suits the dyneema slip tip and 3.5mm suits the stainless wire version of the Hunt slip tip.

Hunt Technology Slip Tip - Slide Ring

Spear Shafts & Heads by Hunt Carbon Technology
Hunt Technology Sphere HP Slip Tip Hunt Technology Slip Tip - Slide Ring Hunt Technology Slip Tip - Slide Ring
Hunt Technology Sphere HP Slip Tip Hunt Technology Slip Tip - Slide Ring Hunt Technology Slip Tip - Slide Ring

Hunt Technology Slip Tip - Slide Ring

Spear Shafts & Heads by Hunt Carbon Technology

Slide Ring replacement or additional part for the Hunt Technology Slip Tip - the best blue-water haunting slip-tip you will find.

Slide Rings (Line-guide) made from AISI 316 stainless steel, burnished, balled-finished and smoothed.

Choice of spear diameter: 7.5mm or 8mm and line hole size of 3mm or 3.5mm. 3mm size suits the dyneema slip tip and 3.5mm suits the stainless wire version of the Hunt slip tip.