In most masks the normal manufacturing process leaves a residue of silicone on the glass and the rubber or silicone surfaces. It is essential to remove this to minimise initial and continued fogging.
To do this, the first and simplest method to try is warm soapy water over every inside surface, including the lenses and under seal flaps. Follow this with a toothpaste cleaning of the inside lens surfaces, using toothpaste and your finger, a soft cloth or toothbrush. Follow this with a thorough rinsing with the spray of the garden hose to make sure you get all the toothpaste out of any fine gaps. To test, simply hold up against the face creating a seal, then breathe out your nose, to see if fogging of the glass occurs.
If fogging persists, the next step to try is using a lighter flame, carefully heat (without damaging the edges of the mask) the entire lens/es of the mask inside and out. Some carbon may form, but is easily washed off. The flame need only be applied a few seconds over each lens of a twin lens mask. Be very careful so as not to heat the glass too much and damage the surrounding material. This method is not suitable for a non-glass lens. This can be tested and repeated if necessary until fogging is eliminated.
Another method, if you have acetone and a soft cloth, use them to clean all inside surfaces of mask body and glass, then thoroughly rinse off.
For a simpler method, there are manufactured bottles of cleaners and anti-fog sprays, available through our online store. These are very simple to use and can be carried with you for use at any time.
If you find the mask leaks: Firstly adjust the mask strap so the mask is firm but not tight on your face. The strap should be placed on the biggest circumference point of your head. This way the tension on the mask is directly behind the position of the lenses on your eyes, to give the best possible even seal. If the strap falls below this point it loosens and pulls unevenly.
Check that there is no hair under the edge of the sealing surface or neoprene from a hood if worn. Shaving facial hair ensures a smoother surface for sealing. If you have a moustache, petroleum jelly often helps in sealing the silicone to the hairy surface of your face. But avoid spreading the petroleum jelly to other areas as it can damage rubber-based products.
To test, simply hold up onto your face and suck through your nose to draw mask onto your face. If you can hear a leak, it could be any of the above, or if not, check for loose or ill-fitted lenses or perforations in the mask body.
If a lens is loose it may be fixable, but damage to the soft body of the mask could mean you need to buy a new mask.